Gray Hawk Elementary

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Principal's Message

Welcome back to OUR NEST for the 23/24 school year!  We are incredibly excited to see everyone and kick start the new year with OUR GRAY HAWKS!  Serving alongside of OUR PARENTS and COMMUNITY is crucial for the success of OUR GRAY HAWKS, so I want to encourage you to b active participants in your child's education at all levels.  We look forward to being a part of this journey with you!
When our staff all came together last week, I introduced them to some Guiding Principles that we will be following as the year progresses and I want to share those with you as well.
We will always face obstacles and encounter challenges along the way, but if we can remain focused on this core tenet, we won't deviate from OUR WHY.
GUIDING PRINCIPLE 2:  Ubuntu - "I Am Because WE Are."
Ubuntu is a Zulu word which has taken on many meanings but ultimately it is about how we are all connected as humans. When one struggles, we gather around to lift and inspire. When one celebrates, we are all there to revel in the celebration. There is not one other place that I have ever been that I have seen this on display more frequently than in OUR GRAY HAWK.
Many things change each school year but one thing remains constant: "I MATTER. YOU MATTER. WE MATTER." I have long believed that when we focus on our own mental health and support the mental health of OUR GRAY HAWKS and EACH OTHER, WE WILL MOVE MOUNTAINS! 
GUIDING PRINCIPLE 4:  "Be Curious = NOT Judgmental."
It is easy to slip into negativity, especially when there are disruptive moments or when students are struggling with a concept or an emotion.   When we can show grace and empathy, develop positive relationships by asking questions and assuming positive intent,  we build OUR own resilience and grow as HUMANS, while assisting others on their journey.
GUIDING PRINCIPLE 5:  "Gratitude Changes Everything." 
Having an attitude of gratitude can positively impact every aspect of OUR lives.  Seeking opportunities to demonstrate gratitude has been proven to enhance our mental health and positively alter the structure of OUR BRAINS.
These guiding principles along with providing the BEST possible academic experience catered to meet each child's individual needs is what continues to make GRAY HAWK a very special place to be.
I look forward to serving OUR GRAY HAWKS this year.  Please reach out if I can help in any way.  It's going to be a GREAT YEAR!
Dr. Springer,  Principal
Gray Hawk Elementary