Gray Hawk Elementary

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Kim Srubas » Nurse Kim Srubas - Virtual Nurse's Office

Nurse Kim Srubas - Virtual Nurse's Office

Welcome to the GHES Virtual Nurse's Office!
Your Gray Hawk Elementary Nurse is:
Fax: (913) 392-3851
All incoming Kindergarteners and new students need to provide the following documents:
Health Assessment: Any pupil up to the age of nine years who has not previously enrolled in any school in this state, prior to admission to and attendance in school, shall present to the appropriate school board the results of a health assessment, which assessment shall have been conducted within 12 months of school entry by a nurse who has completed the Department of Health and Environment training and certification, by a physician or by a person acting under the direction of a physician as per K.S.A. 72-5214.

As an alternate of the health assessment required: A written statement signed by one parent or guardian that the child is an adherent of a religious denomination whose religious teachings are opposed to such assessment; or a written statement signed by one parent or guardian that such assessment will be scheduled and completed within 90 days after admission to school.
Below are the required forms and items needed for your student's enrollment:

GHES K-5 Enrollment
Medical Care Plans (as needed)
Immunization Requirements (see below)


In compliance with changes in the Kansas Nurse Practice Act (K.A.R. 60-15-104), Basehor-Linwood School District has adopted the following medication policy:

ALL medications must be sent in the original container.

ALL medications must be accompanied by a note from the parent/guardian containing the following information:

  1. Date

  2. Name of student

  3. Name of medication

  4. Dosage (amount, time of day, and number of days med is to be taken)

  5. Reason for medication (i.e. strep throat, ear infection)

  6. Any special instructions or information that might be helpful

  7. Signature of parent/ guardian

Prescription Drugs

In addition to the above; if your child takes a prescribed medication daily, it must be accompanied by a written physician’s order. Any changes in dosage and/ or time must be accompanied by a note from a parent/ guardian, and a newly labeled pharmacy container and a new written physician’s order. 

For short-term prescriptions (i.e: antibiotics), the original pharmacy container and a parent’s note are sufficient.

***Please note: We discourage the transportation of medications back and forth from home to school by students.  At your request, the pharmacy will provide a second labeled container so that a sufficient quantity of the medication can be left at school. 

Nonprescription Medication

Nonprescription medications will not be supplied to students, by the early learning center, elementary or intermediate schools. Standard stock medications will be available to middle and high school students (if permitted by parents) as well as staff working at all schools.  

Any nonprescription medication that a parent wishes a student to take must adhere to the above policy and any changes in dosage, time or reason must be accompanied by a note from a parent/ guardian. Please note that throat lozenges/ cough drops are considered medication and are subject to the above policies. This policy was developed with the safety of students in mind. Please feel free to contact the school nurses if there are questions concerning this policy or have concerns regarding any student health-related issue.