Basehor-Linwood School District

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Basehor-Linwood Mentors & Care Cats

Heather Shue
Please welcome Mrs. Heather Shue to Basehor-Linwood Mentors as the Mentoring and Career Advocate who is working with Mrs. Tammy Potts in the BLHS Library Office!
We WELCOME you to...

DISCOVER Basehor-Linwood Mentors and Care Cats!
Basehor Linwood USD 458 has a unique district mentoring program,
and you can participate as an adult "Mentor," or as a BLHS junior or senior "Care Cat."
Each adult volunteer is carefully screened, complete with background check before training/orientation, and placement. Each high school volunteer is a trained member of our "Care Cats". This is an actual class (worth .5 credit per semester) devoted to mentoring as a community service. Volunteer hours can go toward earning National Points of Light certification with the President's Volunteer award, commencement honors, and college service requirements. Juniors and Seniors are encouraged to serve 2 semesters or 2 blocks over a 2 year service. PLACEMENT occurs only AFTER confirmation with teacher and/or principal. Tutors/mentors are NOT available over the summer months, but available when school resumes.
This year's district-wide poster contest theme is "BE KIND" and honors the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation's on-going project starting the first week of school and ending the last week of December before the holidays. Check out all the poster contest winners here!
MENTOR KANSAS: Mission: to empower all Kansans to meet community needs through service. 

MENTOR:  Who we are
What is NQMS?
Basehor-Linwood Mentors and CareCats is a transparent, quality, school-based mentoring initiative, founded in 1999. Formerly Basehor-Linwood YouthFriends and a Gold Star program; adopting a new program name, forming Basehor-Linwood Mentors and CareCats and adhere to National Quality Mentoring System standards.